For healthier highlights: want to natural alternative to damaging chemical colour treatments? Use lemon juice to bring out blonde highlights in your hair. Combined juice of one lemon with 1/4 cup of water in a glass jar, shake well and use as a rings after shampooing rings with cool water after five minutes. Lemon juice will also help an oily scalp.
Application: Prepare an herbal  hair rinse the same way you make and herbal tea: for a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of herbs. Steep for 10 minutes, then strain massage the rains into the scalp gently and evenly; leave it on the hair without rinsing. Dry your hair with a softer towel, heat can damage your hair, so try to avoid using a blow dryer and allow your hair to dry naturally.
Rinse with beer to add shine and body: if you want to do something nice for your hair, rinse it once a month with flat beer. After applying the beer , You can range the hair with warm water or not, as you choose. The beer acts as a natural setting lotion, giving blowdried hair increase vitality, resilience and hold. The B vitamins and natural sugar add body and shine. Don’t worry: the stale beer smell will just disappear very quickly.
Apply sesame or oil to reduce sun damage: the rays of the sun are extremely damaging to your hair, bleaching and drying it until it becomes brittle. Indeed, hair damage caused by too much ultraviolet radiation is it repairable. How are ever, sesame oil can provide excellent sun protection. Massage a few tablespoons of the oil into your hair and scalp before going out into the sun for prolonged periods. Sesame or oil includes a natural SPF of about 2.5. For added protection you can blend of sesame or oil with 10 drops of carrot seed essential oil, which is high in antioxidants.
Brush the scalp to improve circulation give your hair hundred strokes with natural bristle brush every day to stimulate circulation in the scalp and get the hair a secure appearance. Regular brushing will also help to remove the pollutants and dust that settle on your hair every day and potentially cause damage.
Extra tip: to help prevent split ends, Olive oil into the ends of your hair 2 to 3 times per week. For best results, leave the oil on overnight and wash it out in the morning.
Sage rinse :
1 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon dried sage. Pour the water over the sage; steep until it cool is a bit. Strain. Effect: Sage help reduce the buildup of oil on the scalp and promotes healthy your hair use this herbal rinse  shampooing for three weeks.

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